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The Australian National University

Course variations (changes to class scheduling)

Under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA Act) ANU is required to advise the Department of Education of all courses scheduled by the University. The Commonwealth deadlines are:

  • 1 October for classes scheduled from 1 January to 30 June of the next year
  • 1 April for classes scheduled from 1 July to 31 December of the same year

Providers do not need to notify the department of variations that do not disadvantage students, but must publish the replacement schedule on their website as soon as practicable after making that decision. Ministerial approval will still be required for proposed variations that will disadvantage students.

If one of these changes is required for a reported scheduled course, complete the Course Publishing Variation form (DOCX, 47KB) or contact

If a change is required to the timetabling of a scheduled course, refer to the Timetable website or contact

Schedule of Updates

In order to make informed decisions regarding their degree and reach the best academic outcomes, students need access to timely, clear and accurate information. The Programs and Courses website is the official medium for this information. The schedule of updates ensures that published information about program and course content is reliable and consistent from when enrolment has opened to students for a given year, and that this information is updated in a structured and considered manner.

Updated:  15 February 2021/Responsible Officer:  Academic Standards & Quality Office /Page Contact:  Academic Standards & Quality Office